Short for "Tape Archive", sometimes called a tarball, is a consolidated Unix format file. .tar files are used to consolidate files and folders into one…
Ever wanted to share an article still in development on Wordpress with someone? Sometimes before publishing an article we want an outside opinion and help.
The silence rule, also known as silence is golden, is an important part of the Unix philosophy that when a program has nothing surprising, interesting, or useful to say, it shouldn't say anything. This means that well-developed programs must treat their users' attention and focus as valuable, and thus perform their tasks as discreetly as possible. In other words, silence itself is a virtue.
Although it is not possible to have access to exact data without being the owner of the site, we can, with the help of some tools, have an estimate of visits and even keyword strategies that competitors are using.
How to use FileZilla to connect and access your files on your VM instances on Google Cloud Compute Engine over SFTP using Putty to generate the necessary SSH and PPK keys.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol or HTTP for the most intimate is a set of rules for transferring data such as text files, images, audio, video and other multimedia files.
Windows is not known for having the best command line interface, bringing in all its versions the Command Prompt (CMD), a limited tool, especially compared to UNIX-based terminals. Annoyed developers have created solutions that optimize and even emulate UNIX commands on Microsoft's OS. I've separated a list with some terminals that I've used and recommend.
Tired of that tedious and ugly icon pack from your VS Code? Check out a list of the best packages to customize file and…
DNS, from the English Domain Name System (Domain Name System), acts as a translator of IP addresses ( to domains (, as a kind of post office that manages to transform a CEP (IP ) on a street (domain).