Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a design language designed to simplify the presentation and customization of web pages (HTML).
WSL is a feature available in Windows 10, upon enablement, since version 1607, and since version 2004 version 2 has been made available to everyone. WSL allows you to run commands on a Linux distribution directly on Windows, without the need for a virtual machine or dual boot.
The term full-stack developer is somewhat controversial in the tech community, while many dispute the existence of such a nomenclature, many do. Full stack…
Finding all subdomains is an important task to verify the security of your application, misconfigured subdomains can lead to exposure of your company's crucial services to people you wouldn't want.
Finding the perfect WordPress theme for your website or blog is a task that requires time and care. Many themes are paid and expensive, but don't worry, there are many beautiful, responsive and free themes, that's right, for free!
In applications that handle user authentication, storing passwords in plain text should not be an option. You are responsible for looking after and ensuring the security of this data, therefore, you must always encrypt all passwords and never store raw passwords in text.
Better tools for designing/diagramming a database dbdiagram.iodraw.ioLucidchartMySQL Workbench 1. is an online tool that easily allows for quick prototyping of entities and…
If your application is starting to send more than a hundred emails, it's probably time to look for a service that specializes in this. In addition to taking care of the entire shipping process, many of the services offer more advanced tools for shipping control, monitoring deliveries, openings and other very useful statistics.
HTML is an acronym for HyperText Markup Language. It is the standard markup language for creating web pages.