Looking for libraries to render graphics and visualizations? I have separated 6 libraries that will make it easier for you to create beautiful and interactive graphics.
Data-Driven Documents – D3.js

D3.js is probably one of the most famous libraries today, used in more than 100k sites . Your language is very close to the jQuery and it has a huge range of graphics and visualizations, making life easier for those who want to create graphics using HTML, CSS and SVG. One downside is its performance on older browsers.
Sites that use D3.js :
- NYTimes
- Uber
- Weather.com
Google Charts

Google Charts has several ready-made charts like bar charts, calendar charts, area charts, geographic charts, pie charts and many others multifunctional graphics , in addition to allowing the creation of simpler graphics.
Highly customizable, graphics are rendered using HTML5 or SVG which provide browser compatibility and platform portability. Google Charts uses the VML to support older versions of the Internet Explorer browser, currently used by more than 30k sites .

Chart.js is loved for its simplicity and straightforwardness, it has a wide selection of charts and examples. Compatible with older browsers like IE7 and IE8 by using polyfill and responsive by default. By its opensource nature it has an active community and many tutorials/examples available, used in more than 100k sites it's definitely a library to have in your arsenal.

Similar to Chart.js, it offers beautiful responsive charts. Rendered in SVG, they can be customized using CSS and have a wide community helping their development, works well with modern browsers and weighs only 10kb.
High Charts JS

One of the most famous libraries for building graphics, extremely flexible and with several preloaded animations that will take your graphics to the next level. It has wide compatibility with browsers and devices, compatible even with IE6, is rendered in SVG and has high performance.
Fusion Charts

One of the oldest graphics libraries on the internet, it has been with us since 2002. It gained popularity for being compatible with older browsers (IE6) and for its ease of receiving data (XML, JSON). Your graphics can be exported to JPG, PNG and PDF.