The command sudo allows regular users access to administrative functions normally only available to the user root. With that in mind, be very careful which user you give these permissions to… If you want to add permissions for an existing user, skip to step 2.


$ sudo adduser username
$ sudo usermod -aG sudo username

create a user

1. In the terminal type the command below and don't forget to change your username to the name you want to create.

$ sudo adduser username

Next you will need to set a password, as this is a user who will have root permissions, use a very strong password . Next you will need to fill in some optional user data, as they are not mandatory you can leave it empty.

two. Now let's use the command usermod to add the user to the sudo group.

$ sudo usermod -aG sudo username

3. Now let's test the new created user and their powers as sudo .

$ su - username
username$ sudo ls -ls /root

You will need to enter the password the first time you use the command sudo whenever you start a new terminal session.

Extra: Remove a user


$ sudo su -
$ userdel -r username

1. Switch to root user:

$ sudo su -

two. use the command userdel to remove the old user:

$userdel username

3. You can also delete this user and his home directory (/home/username):

$ userdel -r username

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