ASCII , from English American Standard Code for Information (American Standard Code for Information Exchange). It is a 7-bit character code, where each bit represents a single character. Here you will find the 8-bit ASCII table, 256 characters, according to the Windows-1252 , which is a superset of the ISO 8859-1 in terms of printable characters. In the range 128 to 159 (hex 80 to 9F), ISO / IEC 8859-1 has invisible control characters, while Windows-1252 has writable characters. THE Windows-1252 it is probably the most used 8-bit character encoding in the world.

See too: Complete Base64 Character Table – Encoding/Decoding

ASCII control characters (character code 0-31)

The first 32 characters in the ASCII table are "non-printable" control codes and are used primarily for controlling peripherals such as printers.

00000000000000NUL�Null Character
10010100000001SOHHeader start
two0020200000010STXText Start
30030300000011ETXEnd of Text
40040400000100EOTEnd of Transmission
80100800001000BSBack (Back Space)
90110900001001HT	Horizontal Tab
Feed Line
110130B00001011VTVertical Tab
120140C00001100FFFeed form
Line change
140160E00001110ONLYShift Out / X-On
150170F00001111SIShift In / X-Off
160201000010000DLEData Line Escape
170211100010001DC1Device Control 1 (of. XON)
180221200010010DC2Device Control 2
190231300010011DC3Device Control 3 (of. XOFF)
200241400010100DC4Device Control 4
210251500010101NAKnegative statement
220261600010110SYNSynchronous idle
230271700010111ETBEnd of Transmission Block
250311900011001INMiddle End
280341C00011100FSfile separator
290351D00011101GSgroup separator
300361 AND00011110LOLRecording tab
310371F00011111USunit separator

ASCII printable characters (character code 32-127)

Codes 32-127 are common for all the different variations of the ASCII table, called printable characters, represent letters, digits, punctuation marks and some miscellaneous symbols. In it you will find almost all the characters on your keyboard that are in common with other languages, in the case of Portuguese, we have some characters that will be in the Extended Table, right below this one:

* Character 127 represents the DEL command.

DECOCTHEXBINSymbolHTML numberHTML nameDescription
3204020001,000,000   Space
330412100100001!! Exclamation mark
340422200100010"""double quotes
350432300100011## shackle
360442400100100$$ Dollar
370452500100101%% percentage
380462600100110&&&And commercial
390472700100111'' single quote
400502800101000(( open parentheses
410512900101001)) Close parentheses
420522A00101010** Asterisk
430532B00101011++ Most
440542C00101100,, Comma
450552D00101101- hyphen
460562E00101110.. Point
470572F00101111// bar
48060300011000000 Zero
49061310011000111 One
500623200110010two2 Two
51063330011001133 Three
52064340011010044 Four
53065350011010155 Five
54066360011011066 Six
55067370011011177 Seven
56070380011100088 Eight
57071390011100199 Nine
580723A00111010:: Two points
590733B00111011;&#59; Semicolon
600743C00111100<&#60;&lt;Less than
610753D00111101=&#61; Equal
620763E00111110>&#62;&gt;Bigger then
630773F00111111?&#63; Interrogation
641004001000000@&#64; at sign
651014101000001THE&#65; Capital A
661024201000010B&#66; Capital B
671034301000011Ç&#67; Capital C
681044401000100D&#68; Capital D
691054501000101AND&#69; and capital
701064601000110F&#70; Capital F
711074701000111G&#71; Capital G
721104801001000H&#72; Capital H
731114901001001I&#73; Capital I
741124A01001010J&#74; Capital J
751134B01001011K&#75; Capital K
761144C01001100L&#76; Capital L
771154D01001101M&#77; Capital M
781164E01001110N&#78; Capital N
791174F01001111THE&#79; the capital
801205001010000P&#80; Capital P
81121510101001Q&#81; Capital Q
821225201010010R&#82; Capital R
831235301010011s&#83; Capital S
841245401010100T&#84; Capital T
851255501010101U&#85; Capital U
861265601010110V&#86; Capital V
871275701010111W&#87; Capital W
881305801011000X&#88; Capital X
891315901011001Y&#89; Y Uppercase
901325A01011010Z&#90; Capital Z
911335B01011011[&#91; open bracket
921345C01011100&#92; backslash
931355D01011101]&#93; Close Bracket
941365E01011110^&#94; Circumflex
951375F01011111_&#95; underlined
961406001100000`&#96; grave accent
971416101100001The&#97; a Tiny
981426201100010B&#98; b Tiny
991436301100011ç&#99; c tiny
1001446401100100d&#100; d Tiny
1011456501100101and&#101; and Tiny
1021466601100110f&#102; f tiny
1031476701100111g&#103; g tiny
1041506801101000H&#104; h tiny
1051516901101001i&#105; i tiny
1061526A01101010j&#106; j Tiny
1071536B01101011k&#107; k Tiny
1081546C01101100there&#108; l tiny
1091556D01101101m&#109; m tiny
1101566E01101110no&#110; n tiny
1111576F01101111The&#111; the tiny
1121607001110000P&#112; tiny p
1131617101110001what&#113; q Tiny
1141627201110010r&#114; r Tiny
1151637301110011s&#115; s tiny
1161647401110100t&#116; Tiny t
1171657501110101u&#117; u Tiny
1181667601110110v&#118; v Tiny
1191677701110111w&#119; w tiny
1201707801111000x&#120; x Tiny
1211717901111001y&#121; y tiny
1221727A011111010z&#122; z Tiny
1231737B011111011{&#123; open keys
1241747C01111100|&#124; Vertical bar
1251757D01111101}&#125; Key lock
1261767E01111110~&#126; til
1271777F01111111&#127; Delete

Extended ASCII code table (character code 128-255)

There are different variations of the 8-bit ASCII table. The table below is in accordance with Windows-1252 (CP-1252), which is a superset of ISO 8859-1, also called ISO Latin-1.

DECOCTHEXBINSymbolHTML numberHTML nameDescription
1282008010,000,000&#128;&euro;Euro sign
1302028210000010&#130;&sbquo;low quote
1312038310000011ƒ&#131;&fnof;Latin letter f small
1322048410000100&#132;&bdquo;low double quote
1332058510000101&#133;&hellip;horizontal ellipsis
1352078710000111&#135;&Dagger;double dagger
1372118910001001&#137;&permil;per mile symbol
1382128A10001010S&#138;&Scaron;Latin letter S with caron
1392138B10001011&#139;&lsaquo;Single arrow pointing left
1402148C10001100Œ&#140;&OElig;Latin letter OE
1422168E10001110Ž&#142; Latin capital letter Z with caron
1452219110010001'&#145;&lsquo;Single quote on the left
1462229210010010'&#146;&rsquo;Single quote on the right
1472239310010011"&#147;&ldquo;double quote on the left
1482249410010100&#148;&rdquo;Single quote on the right
1502269610010110&#150;&ndash;En dash
1512279710010111&#151;&mdash;in dash
1522309810011000˜&#152;&tilde;small til
1532319910011001&#153;&trade;trade mark
1542329A10011010s&#154;&scaron;Small Latin Letter S with Caron
1552339B10011011&#155;&rsaquo;Single Right Angle
1562349C10011100œ&#156;&oelig;Latin small letter ligature oe
1582369 AND10011110ž&#158; Small Latin letter z with caron
1592379F10011111Ÿ&#159;&Yuml;Latin letter capital Y with umlaut
160240A010100000 &#160;&nbsp;Blank space
161241TO 110100001¡&#161;&iexcl;Inverted Exclamation Point
163243A310100011£&#163;&pound;Libra symbol
164244A410100100¤&#164;&curren;currency symbol
165245A510100101¥&#165;&yen;Yen symbol
166246A610100110¦&#166;&brvbar;broken vertical bar
167247A710100111§&#167;&sect;Session Symbol
170252AA10101010th&#170;&ordf;female ordinal indicator
171253AB10101011«&#171;&laquo;Double Angle Left
172254B.C10101100¬&#172;&not;denial sign
173255AD10101101­&#173;&shy;soft hyphen
174256AE10101110®&#174;&reg;Registered trade mark
175257AF10101111¯&#175;&macr;Spacing macron – overline
176260B010110000°&#176;&deg;Degree sign
177261B110110001±&#177;&plusmn;plus-minus symbol
178262B210110010²&#178;&sup2;Superscript two – squared
179263B310110011³&#179;&sup3;Superscript three – cubed
180264B410110100´&#180;&acute;Acute accent – spacing acute
181265B510110101µ&#181;&micro;Micro Signal
183267B710110111·&#183;&middot;point in the middle
184270B810111000¸&#184;&cedil;Cedilla Spacer
185271B910111001¹&#185;&sup1;superscript one
186272BA10111010º&#186;&ordm;Male ordinal indicator
187273BB10111011»&#187;&raquo;right double angle quotes
188274BC10111100¼&#188;&frac14;fraction one quarter
189275BD10111101½&#189;&frac12;fraction one and a half
190276BE10111110¾&#190;&frac34;three quarter fraction
191277BF10111111is&#191;&iquest;reverse interrogation
192300C011,000,000THE&#192;&Aggravate;Latin capital letter A with bass
193301C111000001THE&#193;&Aacute;Latin letter capital A with accent
194302C211000010THE&#194;&Acirc;Latin letter capital A with circumflex
195303C311000011THE&#195;&Atilde;Latin capital letter A with tilde
196304C411000100THE&#196;&Auml;Latin letter capital A with umlaut
197305C511000101THE&#197;&Aring;Latin letter capital A with ring above
198306C611000110Æ&#198;&AElig;Latin capital letter AE
199307C711000111W&#199;&Ccedil;Latin capital letter C with cedilla
200310C811001000AND&#200;&It's serious;Latin capital letter E with bass
201311C911001001IT'S&#201;&Eacute;Latin capital letter E with accent
202312HERE11001010AND&#202;&Ecirc;Latin letter capital E with circumflex
203313CB11001011AND&#203;&Euml;Latin letter capital E with umlaut
204314CC11001100Ì&#204;&Igrave;Latin capital letter I with bass
205315CD11001101I&#205;&Iacute;Latin capital letter I with accent
206316EC11001110Î&#206;&Icirc;Latin capital letter I with circumflex
207317CF11001111Ï&#207;&Iuml;Latin capital letter I with umlaut
208320D011010000Ð&#208;&ETH;Uppercase Latin Letter ETH
209321D111010001Ñ&#209;&Ntilde;Latin capital letter N with tilde
210322D211010010THE&#210;&Ograve;Latin letter capital O with bass
211323D311010011THE&#211;&Oacute;Latin letter capital O with accent
212324D411010100THE&#212;&Ocirc;Latin letter capital O with circumflex
213325D511010101THE&#213;&Otilde;Latin capital letter O with tilde
214326D611010110THE&#214;&Ouml;Latin letter capital O with umlaut
215327D711010111×&#215;&times;Multiplication Sign
216330D811011000THE&#216;&Oslash;Latin letter capital O with slash
217331D911011001Ù&#217;&Ugrave;Latin capital letter U with bass
218332GIVES11011010Ú&#218;&Uacute;Latin letter capital U with accent
219333DB11011011Û&#219;&Ucirc;Latin letter capital U with circumflex
220334A.D11011100u&#220;&Uuml;Latin letter capital U with umlaut
221335DD11011101Ý&#221;&Yacute;Uppercase Latin letter Y with accent
222336IN11011110Þ&#222;&THORN;Uppercase Latin Letter THORN
223337DF11011111ß&#223;&szlig;Small Latin letter sharp s – ess-zed
224340E011100000The&#224;&agrave;Small Latin letter a with bass
225341E111100001The&#225;&aacute;Small Latin letter with accent
226342E211100010The&#226;&acirc;Small Latin letter a with caret
227343E311100011The&#227;&tilde;Small Latin letter to til
228344E411100100The&#228;&auml;Small Latin letter a with umlaut
229345E511100101The&#229;&aring;Small Latin letter a with circle above
230346E611100110æ&#230;&aelig;Small Latin letter ae
231347E711100111W&#231;&ccedil;Small Latin letter c with cedilla
232350E811101000and&#232;&it's serious;Small Latin letter with bass
233351E911101001It's&#233;&eacute;Small Latin letter with accent
234352AND THE11101010and&#234;&ecirc;Small Latin letter with caret
235353EB11101011and&#235;&euml;Small Latin letter with umlaut
236354EC11101100ì&#236;&grave;Small Latin letter i with bass
237355ED11101101oh&#237;&iacute;Small Latin letter i with accent
238356AND IS11101110î&#238;&circ;Small Latin letter i with caret
239357EF11101111ï&#239;&iuml;Small Latin letter i with umlaut
240360F011110000ð&#240;&eth;Latin small letter eth
241361F111110001no&#241;&ntilde;Small Latin letter n with tilde
242362F211110010The&#242;&ose;Small Latin letter or with grave
243363F311110011The&#243;&oacute;Small Latin letter with accent
244364F411110100The&#244;&ocirc;Small Latin letter o with caret
245365F511110101The&#245;&otilde;Small Latin letter or with tilde
246366F611110110The&#246;&ouml;Small Latin letter o with umlaut
247367F711110111÷&#247;& divides;Division Sign
248370F811111000The&#248;&oslash;Small Latin letter o with slash
249371F911111001ù&#249;&ugrave;Small Latin letter u with bass
250372FAN11111010u&#250;&uacute;Small Latin letter u with accent
251373FB11111011û&#251;&ucirc;Small Latin letter u with caret
252374FC11111100u&#252;&uuml;Small Latin letter u with umlaut
253375FD11111101ý&#253;&yacute;Small Latin letter y with accent
254376FAITH11111110þ&#254;&thorn;thorn latin letter
255377FF11111111ÿ&#255;&yuml;Small Latin letter y with umlaut
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