Choosing an email marketing tool directly impacts the performance of your email campaigns. These email marketing services have been around for decades. As part of online marketing, email marketing is still the most effective marketing strategy today when considering Return on Investment (ROI).

About 3.9 billion people globally used email in 2019. According to a Statista study , this number is estimated to grow to 4.48 billion by the year 2024. The ROI of email marketing is $42 for every $1 spent, according to the "State of Email 2020" survey by litmus .

Best Email Marketing Tools

The vast majority of good email marketing tools are paid, except MailChimp, ConvertKit, SendInBlue and AWeber which have free plans. However, most services have free trials so you can try and learn how the tools work.

ServiceFree PlanPriceMoney back
Constant ContactNo$20.00yes, 30 days
ConvertKitYea$9.99yes, 30 days
AWeberYea$16.15yes, 30 days
RD StationNoBRL 19.00No


MailChimp is probably the best tool available on the market, especially for lay users. All of Mailchimp's usability feels very smooth and natural, you are guided through the process. 

two. Constant Contact

Constant Contact it is also another very powerful and practical service. The user experience is pretty straightforward, but it takes a little time to get used to navigating through the campaign management tool.

3. SendinBlue

SendinBlue has in its strength the usability, very intuitive, but the account setup process and the first campaign take a while.

4. ConvertKit

ConvertKit it's too simplistic, maybe even too basic.You don't have some modern features like a drag-and-drop editing tool or a more comprehensive selection of models, but you can get the job done quickly. On the other hand, its clean interface can be a strong point for beginners.

5. AWeber

AWeber is a good alternative, its interface could be better, but once you get used to the system, navigation is easier.

6. GetResponse

GetResponse it's streamlined its start-to-finish process, it's easy to use, and you have a ton of options along the way.However, the experience would be even better with a built-in image editor.

7. RD Station

RD Station is a Brazilian tool, it goes far beyond the simple e-mail marketing trigger, it is a complete marketing automation tool. With RD Station's marketing tool you organize, communicate and better understand your target audience.

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